"Utilized the eml importer. Excellent software thanks!"
"Just needed it to import EML files, worked great!"
"Great stuff. Thanks!"
User Posts Outlook Freeware
11/23/2012 11:52 AM
Please provide 2-3 samples of these duplicates by attaching them to your reply to our email.
11/8/2012 6:56 AM
Troy, thank you for your suggestion! We'll consider to implement this feature in one of the next versions.
10/28/2012 11:57 AM
Andre, can you please provide some samples for us?
10/12/2012 8:35 AM
sendesh, our free tools do not provide such a functionality. But you can do something like this (even automatically) using ReliefJet Essentials for Outlook. In ReliefJet Essentials you can create an Outlook rule that checks for sender and/or word in subject and runs Save Attachments utility (configured for *.xl* files).
9/27/2012 4:56 PM
Thanks for sharing! This is actually a Microsoft KB2271150. Tweaker simplifies this procedure allowing user not to edit registry by hands.
9/20/2012 9:56 AM
Norman, as for emails: you can just export them to EML format and then import to Outlook by using our Import Messages from EML Format tool.
9/7/2012 12:08 PM
Andre, this is a strange situation we've never heard of. You can try to delete the %LocalAppData%\OutlookFreeware.com\Executor\Settings.xml file.
8/31/2012 2:38 PM
Reberto, the file name will be something like "Message Subject.eml" (without quotes) and its Created date will be set to original messages' date.
The name of the resulting file can be configured using macros in our commercial product: ReliefJet Essentials for Outlook.
8/27/2012 5:30 PM
Our product supports any folders that Outlook supports. If you can synchronize Outlook and iCloud then yes. If not, then not.
7/24/2012 9:26 AM
Jackie, unfortunately this is not possible. This is because "File As" is an Outlook contact's property. And address picker works with any registered address book. Many of them do not provide "File As" property.
7/23/2012 9:17 AM
Jackie, basically you just start typing your contact's email or name right in to the text box next to the "To..." button and Outlook will suggest you the appropriate contact. This is the most common way to increase your productivity while selecting recipients.
7/17/2012 9:28 AM
Brian, do you have any other Outlook add-ins installed?
6/28/2012 3:21 PM
looking0101, how do you run the tool? In your Outlook or using a standalone launcher application (via Windows' Start Menu)?
6/13/2012 11:56 AM
Charlene, it seems like your .NET Framework or OutlookFreeware.com Runtime installation is corrupted. Try to install .NET using the download page at Microsoft: https://www.microsoft.com/download/det...x?id=17851
After that you can try to re-download and re-install our runtime.
6/13/2012 11:53 AM
Kris, please try to set "Continue execution on errors" option by clicking "Configure" button on the tool's main window. It looks like you have recipients without email addresses in your messages.
6/12/2012 6:45 AM
Charlene, can you please tell us your Outlook and Windows versions?
6/7/2012 9:34 AM
Michael, the utility imports Master Category List right to the default account's storage so the list be usable in Outlook. If you want to import the list to another (non-default) account, just make it default and then import Master Category List.
Please note that in ReliefJet Essentials for Outlook Professional target account can be specified in the command line.
5/29/2012 7:44 PM
razvi, thank you very much for your report! We'll try to find the cause of the issue.
5/23/2012 10:21 AM
Alex, the method of blocking all attachments and using our tool to save them gives users the ability to easily save any attachments, but locks the ability to open them.
Mail Merge with Individual Attachments This article shows how to quickly bulk-mail from Outlook to a list of recipients with different attachments.
Delete Duplicate Emails in Outlook Microsoft Outlook is a popular organizer and a handy email application with many additional functions. But Outlook users are not immune to operational problems. One such problem is the repeated emails in the Outlook mailbox that occur due to errors or various failures.
Transfer Outlook Folders to a New Computer Microsoft Outlook allows you to move information to another desktop by using PST data files, or by synchronizing the account with an email server. But what if you only need to move certain Outlook folders to a new computer?
Move Emails Between Folders in Outlook You can create Outlook rules to automatically allocate emails to new folders. But to relocate messages and change the folder structure, Outlook does not offer automated tools. Let's see how you can move or copy emails manually and in an alternative manner.
18 Reasons Why Outlook Duplicates Emails, Contacts, Tasks, and Calendar Entries Duplicate Outlook items can occur for a variety of reasons. Unnecessary copies of emails, appointments and meetings, contacts, tasks, notes, and journal entries can appear unexpectedly and interfere with your work. In this article, we have collected the most common causes of Outlook duplicates and suggested ways to deal with them.
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