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Posts Of Outlook Freeware
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Export Master Category List
bkstuart10, try to create at least one category on your win7 desktop. After that assign it to some item. And then try to import with Import Master Category List for Outlook 2007/2010 tool.
Import Messages from EML and MBOX Formats
alex2kdl, thank you for your report. This is a known issue which is fixed in the upcoming version of our utilities. Watch our news!
Split PST Files and Outlook Stores into Parts
S G, we're planning to release a version which does not require Outlook and works with PST files directly. This future version will be able to accomplish your task.
Remove Duplicate Oulook Items
Konstantinos, thank you for report. This issue is already fixed, fixed release will be available this month, watch our news!
Import Outlook Items from MSG Format
hugo aaaa, please make sure you have the latest Service Pack installed for your Microsoft Outlook/Office and Windows.
Also look MS KB323299
Convert Messages from EML to MSG Format
Mehul Thakkar, this issue is related to corrupted or malformed EML files. We're about to release a major update to fix this issue and add more utilities. For now you can exclude corrupted EMLs from processing. Please watch our news.

hugo aaaa, our next update will include fix for your issue, thanks for the info.
Convert Messages from EML to MSG Format
Hi Erwin,
We're about to release an updated version which fixes this issue. Thank you for your report. Watch our news!
Exporting emails?
chereena, you can export messages as eml in Entourage. To do that just drag them to a folder on Desktop.
After that you can easily import resulting EMLs using our Import Messages from EML Format tool.
Send Messages Personally
Piet, thank you for your question,
This tool is for sending message to several people. You just add as many recipients as you want to "To" and save the message. After that you run our tool against this message and it produces separate message for each individual recipient. So none of them can see others.
Export Calendar, Contacts?
Unfortunatelly we have no such utility for now. But it is possible for it to appear in the future.
Export All Master Category Lists for Outlook 2007/2010
Am I missing something here? Do I need to upgrade the boss, and import the categories on his Outlook, so she can see them in her Outlook?
Hi jandersonceevap­gh,
Since Outlook 2007/2010 uses mailbox to store Master Category List (MCT) (in opposite to Oulook 2003 wich uses Registry for that purpose), she sees MCT taken locally from her storage (not globally from Registry). And her bosses mailbox doesn't contain MCT since he/she still uses Outlook 2003.
So you're right. After upgrading her bosses Outlook to 2010 and importing MCT there categories should become available.
Alternatively (if it's possible) she can open her bosses mailbox as default storage and import MCT again.
Remove Duplicate Oulook Items
Andrew Terry:
Can anybody tell me why this is not working and if I had done anything wrong? Or in fact, there is something that needs to be done that I have not yet?
It is possible that you are considering messages as duplicates while our utility isn't. Try to create a new folder in your Outlook and copy any message there several times. After that, run our utility for this folder to make sure our utility works in your enviroment correctly.
Remove Duplicate Oulook Items
Andrew Terry:
Can you tell me why these buttons are greyed out and so rendering me unable to use the facility?
Thank you for your question.
I believe you managed to install our Runtime but you did not install the utility itself.
You can download it here: /en/products/all/Out­lookMessagesRemoveDu­plicates/
After installing it you'd be able to select it.
Convert Messages from EML to MSG Format
Foster Morris:
the eml-msg utlility is not showing up in the drop down menu? I'm on windows 7.
What do you mean by "drop down menu"?
Remove Duplicate Oulook Items
The utility removes all dupes found after the first one. So Inbox has the highest priority. Also it shows the number of removed messages in the second progress bar. I'm quite sure it did its job :)

You're always welcome!
Remove Duplicate Oulook Items
Hoping to get this to work as my pst is now at ~4GB because of this
Thanks for the question, Ben.
Our tool searches duplicates across the selected folders. Are you sure you actually have duplicates in your storage?
Remove Duplicate Oulook Items
We've just updated our Runtime and Utilities. Please re-download Runtime and Utility and re-install them.
Now you can check "Delete duplicates permanently" to delete dupes instead of moving'em to "Deleted Items". This works with Public Folders. Alternatively you can move dupes to any folder using Move Message Duplicates.
Export All Master Category Lists for Outlook 2007/2010
Discuss this utility here.
Reports on Outlook Folders and Items
Discuss these utilities here.
Remove Subject Prefixes
Discuss this utility here.
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