"It did exactly what i needed it to do."
"Achieved what I wanted. Thanks. :)"
"I converted all of my files. Thanks! Worked great."
User Posts Outlook Freeware
10/19/2015 9:19 AM
Brian Gregory,
The latest version of the utility should work with Outlook 2016.
Please try to uninstall the OutlookFreeware.Com utility manager, download the latest version from our website and install it.
Please contact the support at if you will still have the issue.
7/10/2015 9:22 AM
Peter Restaino,
The current version of the runtime on the website is 3.8.
Please download Runtime and re-install.
5/14/2015 9:49 AM
Please check what exactly utility you are using.
We have different utilities for different actions:
Duplicate Outlook Items Report - will show number of duplicates only,
Find Duplicate Messages - will flag duplicates with flag or assign a category, you will need to delete them manually,
Remove Duplicate Messages - will remove duplicates to deleted folder for you (the operation can be reversed using Merge folders utility)
1/13/2015 10:11 AM
It is not enough to just re-enable the add-in.
First, you need to remove it from the disabled list.
Please try to do exactly what is said in my previous post.
1/12/2015 8:42 AM
John Kim,
Are you sure that .*** is a .eml?
Are you sure that the file is in correct EML format?
Please send such examples to and we will try to help you.
1/12/2015 8:39 AM
Probably, the add-in is disabled by Outlook.
You need to remove it from Disabled items list and then enable it (Like you do).
Point to File > Options > Add-ins.
In the bottom of the Window select Manage: Disabled Items and click Go....
If there is the add-in in the list, then select the checkbox next to OutlookFreeware.com.
Click Enable.
In the bottom of the Window select Manage: COM Add-ins and click Go....
Enable the checkbox next to OutlookFreeware.com.
Press Ok.
Send a screenshot of File > Options > Add-ins to if it doesn’t help.
12/29/2014 11:38 AM
John Barker,
a) It happens some times. One of the reasons that the PST file is corrupt. You can try to fix it using ScanPST utility and then compact again.
b) Compacting a database is a complicated task. The more emails you have deleted then longer compressing will be. It is recommended to compact more often.
c) Generally, compacting should transfer less data. But creating a new data file and copy there the information is better sometimes. But this method is not always useful. As you need to detach old storage and attach a new one. You will need to re-create Outlook rules which work with the store and export/import Master Category List as it stored in the storage, etc.
12/16/2014 8:38 AM
What utility do you use?
Please send a screenshot with utility configuration to .
And we will try to help you.
12/12/2014 8:32 AM
Frank van den Brink,
There is no such limitation in a free version.
Please send these examples to and we will try to help you.
10/23/2014 8:21 AM
We have a few utilities which are working with email attachments.
Saves attachments - only saves attachments to disk without deleting them from an email. So, they are accessible from email itself.
Replace Attachments with Links - saves attachments to disk and delete them from an email. So, they are accessible from email through links.
Remove Attachments - delete attachments from an email. So, they are NOT accessible from email.
Remove Duplicate Attachments - saves only duplicate attachments to disk and delete all but one attachment from emails. So, they are accessible from one email directly and from all other emails through links.
10/13/2014 8:32 AM
Michael Olesnicki,
The program is removing a redundant prefixes only starting from 3.0 version. If you need to remove *all* prefixes you can use ReliefJet Essentials for Outlook.
10/13/2014 8:28 AM
Don Macalalad,
A work with Public Folders is "a corporate" feature. It is not supported with free OutlookFreeware.com utilities.
You can use our commercial version of the utilities called ReliefJet Essentials for Outlookto remove duplicates from Public Folders. It is also allows much more then free utilities.
9/30/2014 2:14 PM
Francesco Cesco,
They are renamed by adding a counter after the file name.
9/30/2014 8:43 AM
paolo paoletti,
Sorry for the delay in answering your request.
If it possible provide 2-3 samples of such emails. Just drag and drop them to some folder on disk, pack them using ZIP or any other packer and send this archive to .
Also please pack same emails in EML format exported by our utility and sent them also.
9/30/2014 8:43 AM
paolo paoletti,
Sorry for the delay in answering your request.
If it possible provide 2-3 samples of such emails. Just drag and drop them to some folder on disk, pack them using ZIP or any other packer and send this archive to .
Also please pack same emails in EML format exported by our utility and sent them also.
9/30/2014 8:36 AM
Mike Jones,
Please make a screenshot of the utility configuration. Send it and an example email in msg or eml format to .
We will try to help you.
9/9/2014 8:26 AM
The utility process the header 'Date'.
You can open an EML file with Notepad and look for it.
For example:
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2014 23:27:24 +0100
If you have it in another format please contact our support and specify the date format.
We will try to help you.
9/4/2014 8:49 AM
Timothy Lacroix,
Outlook stores messages in a data file(a PST file or an Exchange server store).
You can't just copy MSG files to some folder on disk and get them in Outlook.
You need to import EML or MSG files directly to Outlook.
You can use the following utilities for this:
Import messages from EML files
Import Outlook messages from MSG files
Mail Merge with Individual Attachments This article shows how to quickly bulk-mail from Outlook to a list of recipients with different attachments.
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