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some messages *.eml after changes from *.msg (outlook 2010 > thunderbird 38.5) lose receiving dates

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All Forums » General Questions About Outlook and Related... » some messages *.eml after changes from *.msg (outlook 2010 > thunderbird 38.5) lose receiving dates
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some messages *.eml after changes from *.msg (outlook 2010 > thunderbird 38.5) lose receiving dates, some messages lose receiving dates
hello friends,

i try to export emails from outlook to thunderbird, but some messages lose receiving date format...

1 email on outlook don't have sending date on upper right corner.. but rest of emails has date receiving = sending
2 in header You can see date of receiving, but it's a date of avast.. (x-antivirus: avast! (VPS 150725-1, 2015-07-25)
3 email on outlook before open has reciving date on column 2015.07.26 22:10 o'clock

what's the reason of it ?

what's a pity that it's possible to attach file to recognize... :(

I attach headers:
From - Tue Apr 19 22:50:53 2016
X-Mozilla-Statu­s: 0001
X-Mozilla-Statu­s2: 00000000
Return-Path: <>
From: <>
To: <>
Subject: =?utf-8?Q?Bilet­_jednorazowy_e-­podr=C3=B3=C5=B­Cnik.pl?=
Message-ID: <1964441729.391­17.143794140821­0.JavaMail.tomc­at@Helheim-2>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed­;
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 14.0
Thread-Index: AQJY3g1EBZI6n3A­E0PaJ9+SZGGtw6A­==
x-antivirus: avast! (VPS 150725-1, 2015-07-25), Inbound message
x-antivirus-sta­tus: Clean

This is a multipart message in MIME format.

Jozef, thank you for the report! This issue is fixed in the upcoming 4.2 version of our utilities.

want to convert PST to Thunderbird. so many solutions are available on the Internet for your query and the good one is OutlookFreeware­.com PST to MBOX this is very convenient and safe to use. i will suggest you from my experience you should try it, i am sure you will be quite happy.

Thank you for the excellent program.
Pages: 1
All Forums » General Questions About Outlook and Related... » some messages *.eml after changes from *.msg (outlook 2010 > thunderbird 38.5) lose receiving dates
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