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Import Messages from EML and MBOX Formats

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All Forums » Discussions About Free Outlook Add-Ins & Utilities » Import Messages from EML and MBOX Formats
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Import Messages from EML and MBOX Formats
Discuss these utilities here.
Is there a general message limit on how many messages can be imported at a time importing EML to a PST?

I am running on Windows XP and Outlook 2007, have 3.5 Gig of RAM, with 8 Gig of virtal memory set, so plenty of capacity. But am getting a "System.OutOfMe­moryException" error thrown. Have around 30,000 messages to process.
Thanks for posting this, Walt,
We found the problem. It is all about .NET Framework limitations. But we managed to fix it. We will update our runtime this week. Follow our News Feed!
For now you can remove large messages (above several Megabytes) from processing. After that you can try to process them separately.
Hi, thanx for the great tool.

I have only one question...

Beneath the folder structure there are multiple subfolders.

How can i import these in one go?

Kind regards...
Rob Hulleman:
Beneath the folder structure there are multiple subfolders. How can i import these in one go?
Thanks for the question, Rob. There is a check box for that. "Create Subfolders". If checked, utility will traverse all subdirectories of the selected folder importing all EML found and creating the same structure in the selected Outlook folder.
Thanx for the quick response,

I have checked the box but it goes only one level down.

Subfolders beneath the inbox are not created or imported.

Kind regards.
Rob Hulleman:
I have checked the box but it goes only one level down. Subfolders beneath the inbox are not created or imported.
Thanks for bug report, Rob. We've just fixed this problem. New runtime and utility version will be available very soon. We're testing it far and wide. Follow our news feed.
To Walt and Rob: we updated all our utilities and runtime. Your issues are fixed.
Thank you for your reports.
Figured it out. Feedback soon.
Ignore - I fixed it...

thanks a lot for the great utilities. I am trying to migrate my messages from windows mail to outlook 2010 and I keep on getting the following message: "System: Invalid parameters in [Mime::set]".

I think that it must be caused by some specific messages. Any idea what I can do?

Thanks a lot!
alex2kdl, thank you for your report. This is a known issue which is fixed in the upcoming version of our utilities. Watch our news!
Hi team
I'm attempting to import some eml files into Outlook using your Utility but some messages come up Temp:Delete message and dont come through as such....any reason. Thanks for your help
Bip, we just released version 2.0 of our Runtime and utilities. Please re-download runtime and utility and reinstall them. Hopefully your issue is fixed in this version.
I just downloaded your utility... The problem I am having is it will not show my outlook profile... I am running win7 with office 2010.

Now I have changed where my messages are saved(E drive)... Is there a way to send it to the new outlook root profile folder?? Thanks Kim
Kim, it is easy to reconfigure the utility for any folder. But it is unclear, what do you mean by "not show my outlook profile"? You cannot pick the required folder or what? Also, where do you run the utility from (standalone application or right in your Outlook)?
Hi Team,

It does not show the folders in outlook at all (any)... I can set up the source file but it will not show the files I crated in outlook to send the files to... It doesn't show any files in outlook at all. It will only let me pick files from the computer..

I have tried it both as standalone and right from Outlook...

I thought because I moved where Outlook stores my files that I need to some how point to the new location of the Outlook Profile root file.. (E drive ) But I didn't see any place to do this... I think the program is looking in the original storage folder and is unable to find the profile root file for the new storage location in Outlook. (E drive )
Thanks for all your help Kim
Tlw2001, try to create a new Outlook profile and add your PST files there.
I've got a problem with this utility too...:

When I try to import, I get the following error message:
"System: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

Nothing is imported...
Roar Brekken, can you please use our contact form to report this issue? Please include your Windows and Outlook versions. We'll try to help you as sooon as possible!
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