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Posts Of Outlook Freeware
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Import Messages from EML and MBOX Formats
We are glad to inform that we have release a 3.1 version of OutlookFreeware.com utilities. This version is fully compatible with all versions of Outlook 2013 and Office 365 including Click-To-Run editions. Now you can use all our utilities from both Outlook add-in and standalone Executor.

This version should solve Maria's and Malcolm's issues.
Export Outlook Items to PST Format
botond varga,

Thank you for your report.
Please download and install a new version of the runtime.
This should fix the issue.
Remove Duplicate Oulook Items
Jason Cannon,

Can you please provide 2-3 samples of these duplicates? Just save them as .MSG using Outlook File -> Save As menu to some folder, pack it using ZIP or any other packer and send this archive to . We'll try to find the cause of the issue.
Add-In dont work in Outllok 2013 64 bits

There should a window be opened with add-ins.
Please try to use an instruction from Microsoft How to enable inactive add-ins:
Add-In dont work in Outllok 2013 64 bits
Thierry CONTI,

It is visible on the first picture that the add-in is inactive. You need to enable it. To do this press the Atteindre... button on the bottom of the page, select the add-in and press Ok button.

The 2 and 3 means that you have installed Outlook 2013 Click-To-Run version. Please use the add-in from Outlook or install a full version of Office 2013.
Most Active Senders
Greg Middleton, please try to recreate the issue with smaller number of messages in some folder. Make a screenshot from Outlook with such folder grouped by sender. Make a screenshot with utility configuration before a run. Run it. Save result to a file. Send screenshots and the result to .
We will try to help you.
Most Active Senders
Greg Middleton,

Are you using an Exchange cached mode?
Please note that by default Outlook 2013 download not all messages from Exchange server. Our utility count only cached emails in such mode.
If you need to count all messages you need to switch Outlook to online mode or set Sync Slider (the Mail to keep offline slider in the Outlook 2013 Server Settings dialog box) to cache all emails.
how to open password protected Excel file
mex disuza,

Our company is specialized on Microsoft Outlook.
Unfortunately, we don't have utilities for Microsoft Excel.
Convert Messages from EML to MSG Format
isabella valente,

In the EML file should be a line with a date. For example:
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 14:18:24 -0600

As you can see there is an timezone at the end.
All messages are stored in Outlook using ETC timezone.
Our utility convert time from specified timezone to UTC.
Outlook automatically show an email date in your timezone(selected in Windows Control Panel --> Date & Time settings), when you open an email in Outlook or an MSG file.

You need to check that your EML has a date with a correct timezone and that your Windows settings are set to correct timezone.
outlook duplicate mail deletion
afsal ashraf,

Please try our Free utility to delete duplicate emails - Removes duplicate messages.

Our utilities support Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Outlook versions from Outlook 2003 to Outlook 2013 and Office 365.
Convert Messages from MSG to EML Format
Cliff Sch,

The Convert Messages from MSG to EML Format utility should skip such errors automatically. Other our utilities have 'Continue execution on errors' option on dialog with folders selection (Configure... button).
Remove Duplicate Oulook Items

Thank you for a feedback.

We will fix this in the next version.
Remove Duplicate Oulook Items

If you have this error from standalone executor then please run the utility from Outlook.

If you get this error from Outlook already then there is some issue with MS MAPI subsystem. Probably, you will need to install a full version of MS Office 2013 instead of CTR to use the program.
Newsgroups reading
Alessandro Mandelli,

Unfortunately, we don't have any plans for a news reader add-in to Outlook.
We can recommend to use Windows Mail as a client for Newsgroups.
Remove Duplicate Oulook Items
Paul Flere,

Do you have any errors in any files in "%LocalAppData%\Outl­ookFreeware.com\Logs­" folder?
Do you have any program related errors in the Windows Event Viewer?
Import Messages from EML and MBOX Formats

What type of storage do you use?
It looks like you have reached a limit of your PST size.
What size is it?
Combined Spit/Merge Utility
Generally, Merge Storages utility can do this.

If you need to have more automation or repeat this process from time to time then we have a commercial version of utilities called ReliefJet Essentials for Outlook:
With professional version of it you can create a command file to automate the process.
Save Attachments from Outlook Items and MSG/EML/MBOX Files
Brian Gregory,

No, it doesn't remove attachments.
We have another utility for this - Remove Attachments
Import Messages from EML and MBOX Formats
Jim Bohlman,

Thank you for your feedback.

This situation means that you have Outlook 2013 installed as Click-to-Run version. Click-to-Run version is running in a virtual application environment. And the executor is unable to get access to some needed components.

If you are using Outlook Click-to-run version please use utilities from Outlook add-in.
Or you can install a full version of Outlook 2013.
Remove Duplicate Oulook Items
stig henning,

It looks like you have click-to-run version of Office 2013.
Please try to run the utility from Outlook.

Or you can install the full version of Office 2013.
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