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Import Messages from EML and MBOX Formats

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Import Messages from EML and MBOX Formats
Outlook Freeware, Importing EML into Outlook 2010. Started working great! Fast. Then crashed on Out of Memory error. Error does not identify file being processed. I assume the problem is too large a file, but I keep separating out large files and it still crashes. My directory now has only files which are smaller than some previously loaded files, but still crashes.

How can I get through this if I cannot identify the offending file?
Daniel, it will be great to identify the offending file. We'll be able to fix this issue then. In order to identify the file, you can do the following:
  1. Split you folder with EML files into 2 subfolders by moving half of EMLs to one of subfolders and the remaining 50% to the other.
  2. Run the tool importing EMLs from first subfolder.
  3. If it crashes, split this subfolder into 2 subfolders again, if not - split the other subfolder.
  4. Repeat from step 2 until you get one file only (it will take about 10 iterations).
Once you identified the offending file, please send it to and we will try to fix the issue.

I'm pointing the 'import messages from EML format' utility to the folder when Windows Mail has the EML document. I can select the Outlook 2013 profile. However, when I run the utilty I get 'cannot import message' for every message I want to import. The folder structure is being created in Outlook though.

Tried to import a few times but no success.

Thanks for anything you can offer to get this working as I think the utility will be very helpful.


Any suggestion how I can solve this 'cannot import message'?

Thanks in advance.
paul terry:
I get 'cannot import message' for every message I want to import.

how I can solve this 'cannot import message'?

Could you send some examples of such EML files to ? And we will try to fix the issue.
Having been looking for 2 days for the easiest option for a smooth transfer of my emails from Windows Live Mail to Outlook 2010, it seems from answers on other forums this program may be it.

Before I start, I have multiple (as in lots and lots) of folders and sub folders under 4 different email accounts. Am I best to import everything in one go, or would the program handle it better if I did each email account one at a time? I have thousands of emails under numerous folders, so I don't want to overload the program on my first attempt.
Sarah Elder:
Am I best to import everything in one go, or would the program handle it better if I did each email account one at a time? I have thousands of emails under numerous folders, so I don't want to overload the program on my first attempt.

You can do it either way.
It is better to check it on a small folder first to understand how the program work and that it suit your needs.
After that you can run it on all folders.
Or you can run it folder by folder.
Outlook Freeware,

We're getting the following error when we try to import (some but not all) eml files:
"The given key was not present in the dictionary at System.Collecti­ons.Generic.Dic­tionary`2.get_I­tem(TKey key)
at ReliefJet.Compo­nent.Outlook.Na­tive.OutlookLoa­derStorage1.Get­ItemByID (UIntID32 id)
ReliefJet.Compo­nent.Outlook.Na­tive.StoragesCa­che.GetItemByID­ (UIntID32 id)"

We're running Outlook 2010 on Windows 7 with OutlookFreeware 2.5.3
M D:
We're getting the following error when we try to import (some but not all) eml files:
"The given key was not present in the dictionary at System.Collecti­­ons.Generic.Di­c­tionary`2.get­_I­tem(TKey key)
at ReliefJet.Compo­­nent.Outlook.N­a­tive.OutlookL­oa­derStorage1.­Get­ItemByID (UIntID32 id)
ReliefJet.Compo­­nent.Outlook.N­a­tive.Storages­Ca­che.GetItemB­yID­ (UIntID32 id)"

Could you send some examples of such EML files to ? And we will try to fix the issue.
It does not appear to have anything to do with the files. When I exit Outlook and try it again, I can import them. Puzzling.
M D, could you open Outlook Account manager --> Data files, make a screenshot and sent it to ?

we are using Outlook2013 but we get "cannot import message" on all eml that we try to import.

anu update?

we are using Outlook2013 but we get "cannot import message" on all eml that we try to import.


The latest version of utilities is compatible with Outlook 2013.

Could you send some examples of such EML files to ?

We will try to help you.
It is not able to import all the eml files.

We use Italian version of Outlook2103


How do you get these EML files?
Hi all, I'm a newbie here. Just tried importing the eml files exported from Thunderbird into Outlook, but all I got was the message of "Cannot import" for every eml files, except 1.

What could be the problem?

Thanks and regards,
Hi Dave,

There could be a different problems.
Could you pack a few fail examples of your eml files and send them to ?
We will try to help you.
FYI, with Outlook2013, I was getting the "cannot import" for all .eml files when using the standalone utility (it skipped over all .eml files), but when using the in-Outlook plugin, it worked just fine. Don't know why it worked one way but not the other, but at least there's a workaround.
Jim Bohlman,

Thank you for your feedback.

This situation means that you have Outlook 2013 installed as Click-to-Run version. Click-to-Run version is running in a virtual application environment. And the executor is unable to get access to some needed components.

If you are using Outlook Click-to-run version please use utilities from Outlook add-in.
Or you can install a full version of Outlook 2013.
Newbie here... and probably too old to own a computer. I bought a new Windows 8 PC and upgraded to Windows 8.1. (Major headache.) I then bought MS Office 2013 because I thought I needed it to use POP email, which is what my ISP uses. Now I want to move old email messages, including folders, from my old PC running Windows Vista and using Windows Mail for email to my new PC. From what I've read on the internet, I believe I need one of the programs... add-ins... utilities... or whatever you call them from Outlook Freeware. However, I'm not sure which one is best for what I'm trying to accomplish.

I'm also having trouble getting both PC's on a home network. I have at least gotten to where the new PC can access the Public folder on the old PC. That may be the best I can do since Windows 8 doesn't seem to be compatible with anything but Windows 7.

My senior brain is having trouble digesting all the info I've been reading. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

If this isn't the right place to post this, I hope someone will move it... and let me know where it is.Outlook Freeware,
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