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Remove Duplicate Oulook Items

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Remove Duplicate Oulook Items
After a PC crash and reinstallation of OS, I've been restoring Outlook from copies of past pst files and ended up with lots of duplicates, so your program has been a real Godsend: wonderful. But I have an error in one folder, reports as "System (-2147220991): Cannot open address entry". Identifies it as message 471 (in a particular folder found by running folders individually). Is there an easy way of identifying message 471?
Not crucial - but grateful if you have any hints.
Mike Brayshaw
Mike, there is no easy way to identify this message. There is a complex one with MFCMAPI tool. But we already fixed this issue. Now we're working on a major update of our utilities. Watch our news!
So be it. Thanks for the response.
Hi there,

I have recently bought a new laptop and have used the import from thunderbird utility to get thr folders across that I needed.
Now I am trying to remove duplicate messages and get a frowning face with the word Error and then under that it says "Click here to show details"

When I click on that an error box pop up saying

29.06.11 11:25:16 Error registering schema System. Exception
runGroup,Rule rule, Object native) ...

I am running Outlook 2010 on Windows 7 64bit.

Any help would be great.

chappo77, please try to re-download both OutlookFreeware Runtime and Remove Duplicate Messages utility. After that uninstall OutlookFreeware­.com Utilities from your computer and install newly downloaded Runtime and Utility.
Hopefully that will fix your problem.
I can see the outlook freeware runtime in my uninstall programs list but not the utility.
How do I go about deleting the actualy utility.
Thanks for you help
chappo77, you do not need to uninstall the utility. The downloaded utility will replace the existing one.
Outlook Freeware, Error message: "System(-214664­782):Outlook Message (collect recipients): failed get recipient table with code[0x800CCCD2­]" when removing duplicate messages. Any help appreciated. Outlook 2007+ Vista - Bill
Bill, thank you very much for reporting this issue. We're working on an update which will hopefully happen this week. If you're using local Outlook storage(s) (PST file(s)), we recommend you to check your PSTs using ScanPST tool as described in Microsoft KB272227 because corrupted PST files can lead to the mentioned issue.
Outlook Freeware,
Greetings, can someone give me any tips on how to handle the situation whereas the program did not remove all the duplicates, in this case did I do something wrong????
KARLA, first of all tell us your Outlook version and what type of duplicate items do you try to remove (messages, appointments, ...)?
I've installed Runtime but when I try to configure duplicate remover, I get an error message "The MAPI subsystem cannot be correctly initialized and used".

I've uninstalled and re-downloaded the application a couple times and still get the same error. I'm running on Windows 7 32-bit Outlook 2010.

Any ideas how to fix this?
Clement, did you get this error in a standalone application (run OutlookFreeware from Windows' Start menu) or right in your Outlook (run OutlookFreeware from Outlook ribbon)?
That's in standalone. I get a different error message when I try to run it from the Outlook ribbon "Cannot initialize Outlook runtime options. Failed to load Outlook addin with code 0x80070057"
Clement, looks like your Outlook profile is corrupted. Please try to create one more profile, run Outlook under a new profile and run OutlookFreeware tools there. If it works, you will need to re-create your default profile.
Is thr a way to change the criteria of the duplicate selection? It doesn't seem to identify duplicates in my Inbox?
Bharat Sinha, please use our Contact Form to write us about your problem, we will try to help you. Make sure to specify your Outlook version and describe your problem in details.

Great tools! Thnx!
But I would like to schedule a task to remove duplicate messages.
Is the command line utility still available?
Can't find ExecutorCli.exe­. :(
Found Executor.exe and the rjs files in "....\Local Settings\Applic­ation Data\.... "
Elbie Treble, command line support is available in ReliefJet Essentials for Outlook Professional Edition only.
It was in a test mode back in 2010 in Outlook Freeware Utilities. Now it is a full-featured poweful mode of ReliefJet Essentials for Outlook.
Pitty I missed the test in 2010.
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