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Remove Duplicate Oulook Items

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Remove Duplicate Oulook Items
I can't seem to make the "Delete duplicate messages" nor the "Flag Duplicate messages" to work. I had trouble with Outlook downloading my entire inbox and it did it multiple times. I have 6 copies of 3,000 emails. They have the same sender, receipent, date, and size. The utility scans the folder but doesn't see any duplicates. I have Outlook 2007 with SP2, Windows XP, MS Explorer 8. Am I doing something wrong?
Rod, we need several samples of your duplicate messages. We just wrote you an email, please review it.
I didn't get your email. My email address in my profile is correct but notice that it has 2 underscores in it; but looks like only 1 wide underscore.
Hopefully everything is OK now.
Outlook Freeware,

I ran the Remove Duplicates on my All Mail folder where I had two copies of each e-mail. It moved two copies of each duplicate to the Deleted Items/Duplicate­s folder, but also left the original duplicates in the All Mail folder, so now I have four copies instead of two! What's up?
John, can you please write to our support team, specifying your Outlook and Windows versions?
One more thing: looks like you have a Gmail IMAP account (All Mail label shows that). In this case you have to check if your IMAP folders are configured right.
I have run this utility in my inbox as well as an individual folder where obvious duplicates were but after running it said no duplicates found so I'm confused.
Lila, please contact our support team in order to resolve this issue.
I used the outlook duplicate contact manager and all items were moved to a folder i crested, but now, even though i see the contacts, i can't get to them for verification. is there any way to undo an action?
David, since our duplicate removers retain original Outlook folder structure intact, you can easily undo the action by copy-pasting or moving your contacts from folder for duplicates to original folders.
Outlook Freeware,

Hello I get a error

system (-2147024809): outlook item (collect headers): failed: get names from ids with code: [0x80070057]

when i am trying to remove the duplicates
Yesterday I ran your 'REMOVE DUPLICATE MESSAGES' utility for the first time (I had 25,000 emails throughout my 6 email folders). It seemed to remove duplicates very nicely as the total was knocked down to 10,000. This morning I had 25,000 emails again?

I ran the utility again and the result was ‘no duplicates found’?

My 6 email accounts are hosted at godaddy, and set up as IMAP’s (not pop's). Might the go daddy server be retaining all 25,000 / dupes?

Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.

- I've Outlook 2010, Windows 7.
- I'm technically inept!
Please provide 2-3 samples of these duplicates by attaching them to your reply to our email.
I configure the remove duplicate utility, but then the run command does not light up to allow the program to be run. What am I not doing right? Outlook Freeware,
Peter, it seems like you didn't configure all required parameters. Do you see any settings with red border?
I installed it and for outlook 2010 I get a selectable menu item on the right click on a folder but it does nothing but put up a meaningless screen.

Never mind, I got it.
Hi all,
Remove duplicates tool(/en/produc­ts/all/OutlookM­essagesRemoveDu­plicates/) is very close to what i was looking for. Though, it treats several similar email's (like vk.com "you've got new message" notifications as duplicates). Though,
1) message timestamps are different
2) message headers are different:

Return-Path: <>
Received: from [] (port=42835 helo=cs10.vkont­akte.ru) by mx77.mail.ru with esmtp id 1OTvn1-000PwE-0­0 for ; Wed, 30 Jun 2010 15:49:15 +0400
Received: from localhost.local­domain (localhost []) by cs10.vkontakte.­ru (Postfix) with ESMTP id A8777351ED for <>; Wed, 30 Jun 2010 15:49:15 +0400 (MSD)
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 15:49:15 +0400
To: =?UTF-8?B?0JjQs­9C+0YDRjCDQktCw­0YDRhNC+0LvQvtC­80LXQtdCy?= <>
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Received: from localhost.local­domain (localhost []) by cs91.vkontakte.­ru (Postfix) with ESMTP id 676C130C5F for <>; Thu, 1 Jul 2010 18:39:24 +0400 (MSD)
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010 18:39:24 +0400
To: =?UTF-8?B?0JjQs­9C+0YDRjCDQktCw­0YDRhNC+0LvQvtC­80LXQtdCy?= <>
From: =?UTF-8?B?0JLQm­tC+0L3RgtCw0LrR­gtC1LtGA0YM=?= <>
Reply-To: "Pavel Durov, inContact.ru Admin" <>
Subject: =?UTF-8?B?0J3Qu­NC90LAg0KLQtdGA­0YDQuCDQqNC40Yj­QutC40L3QsCDQvg­==?=
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X-KASFlt-Status­: Categories: FORMAL MESSAGES; Internal-LGS > RL
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Won't it be nice to add an option to treat emails as different, if their "Message-ID" and/or time is different?

On the whole - you've got a great toolset - thanks!
Just installed Outlook - Remove DUplicate Messages and I've found that it does not always find all duplicates.

I have a set of messages that are downloaded multiple times ... one, for example, has 4 copies.
I read through the forum and found suggestion to test by copying messages (in case the multiple downloads creates different attributes).

So, I copied the 4 "duplicates" into the same folder to give 8 copies.
Reran the tool and it did not find any of the duplicates.

Any ideas on how I can resolve this?

Richard, please contact our support team in order to resolve this issue.
Hi, Jouri

Won't you please comment my suggestion few posts above anyhow?

Thank you!
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