"The Outlook Freeware did the trick - got my emails transferred from Windows Live to Outlook 2010. Thanks, Outlook Freeware!"
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"It is a great app. Worked well. Good job!"
Blog About Outlook
EML vs PST File FormatLet's look at the difference between EML and PST, two well-known email formats, and see how you can change one format to the other, if necessary.
How to Save Hyperlinks from Outlook Messages?This step by step tutorial shows how to extract links (URLs) from Outlook emails to a text file using the free utility.
EML vs MSG File FormatThis article compares two well-known email file formats for storing and transferring individual emails. Most email clients save separate messages as EML files, while Microsoft Outlook uses the MSG file format. Let's see the difference between EML and MSG files and how to use them.
How to Get a Report on Outlook Folders?Look how to build a detailed report on the number of Outlook emails, contacts, calendar entries, tasks, and other items in Outlook folders using a free utility.
EML vs MBOX File FormatThis article will look at the two most common formats for saving single emails or an entire mailbox folder in separate files. Let's see what the difference is between EML and MBOX and how to change one format to the other.
How to Import Outlook Master Category List?This step by step tutorial shows how to restore Outlook categories from XML file into Master Category List cache using the free tool.
PST vs MSG File FormatThe email file format can vary. It depends primarily on the email client where the files are created. But even the same email client can use different file types, depending on the content. Let's see what is the difference between PST and MSG, the two main Microsoft Outlook file formats, and how you can change one format to the other.
How to Zip Outlook Attachments?Let's see how to pack Outlook attachments into ZIP archives automatically using the free utility.
MSG vs MBOX File FormatFiles for saving email messages and other data from the mailbox differ in format. The file format you choose depends on your file contents and email client. Let's take a look at two of them: Outlook MSG and MBOX.
How to Export Outlook Master Category List?This simple tutorial shows how to save categories from Outlook Master Category List to XML file using the free tool. This file is helpful for editing, backing up or migrating Outlook categories to another computer.
PST vs EML File FormatLet's look at the difference between PST and EML, two well-known email formats, and see how you can change one format to the other, if necessary.
How to Import Outlook Auto-Complete List?This quick manual explains how to import Outlook autocomplete cache from XML, NK2 or DAT file to the specified mailbox or PST data file using the free tool.
MBOX vs PST File FormatDifferent email clients use different data file types to save and migrate the mail. Two of the most well-known file formats for working with message databases are MBOX and PST. Let's see how these data files differ and how you can change one format to another.
How to Find the Largest Outlook Folders?This short guide shows how to get a report on the Outlook folders that take up the most space in your mailbox or PST data file.
MSG vs EML File FormatThis article compares two well-known email file formats for storing and transferring individual emails. Microsoft Outlook uses the MSG file format, while most email clients save separate messages as EML files. Let's see the difference between MSG and EML files and how to use them.