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Remove Duplicate Oulook Items
Messages: 232
Registration: 1/25/2013
Marc Lalancette,
In the Advanced version of the utility, this option allows you to select fields for compare.
In the OutlookFreeware .com version it uses predefined fields such as Subject, Message Text, Sender, Recipients and Attachments. With this option disabled the utility tries to compare messageID if available.
So, it it better to run the utility with this option disabled first. If you still can see duplicates then enable this option and run utility again. The program can find additional duplicates. Advanced version allows to select fields. This allows to find duplicates in more complex situations.
We are trying to make OutlookFreeware .com utilities more automate and easier to use by remove redundant options. But make advanced versions to solve any complex issues. We constantly add new video tutorials to out utilities for both OutlookFreware.com videos and advanced versions videos.
Messages: 1
Registration: 7/13/2016
Outlook Freeware, I can clearly see duplicated emails when i sort by email address but the utility doesnt find them. What is being used as the compare? Name? Email?
Messages: 232
Registration: 1/25/2013
Michael Buro,
The utility tries to compare messageID if available.
You can select 'Use custom fields to compare'. Then the utility will use Subject, Message Text, Sender, Recipients and Attachments fields for comparision.
In the Advanced version of the utility, it is possible to select fields for compare.
Messages: 1
Registration: 8/6/2016
Outlook Freeware,
Remove Duplicate Contacts did not remove any. Is it possible there is some minor field that is different that I am not seeing?
Messages: 232
Registration: 1/25/2013
Daniel Kelsh,
Yes, it is possible that there is difference in some field that you can't find.
You can ZIP a pair of "duplicates" and send them to . We will say, what differences are between them.
Messages: 1
Registration: 10/21/2016
5 out of 5 stars for this only program. Others are definitely not recommended. Try it to believe it. It deletes everything duplicate.
Messages: 325
Registration: 10/22/2007
Dear Liona, thank you very much for you kind words! We do our best to make our products as good as possible.
Messages: 1
Registration: 5/30/2017
Outlook Freeware,
It says it supports Outlook 2016 however, after installing and running, it says that Installed Runtime version is incompatible with this utility.
Messages: 232
Registration: 1/25/2013
N M,
It is 100% compatible with Outlook 2016.
Runtime has nothing with Outlook or Windows versions.
You can always download the latest version of OutlookFreeware.com runtime from our website.
Messages: 3
Registration: 6/17/2017
Outlook Freeware,
I am running your current version remove duplicate mails tool under outlook 2016 and after searching and ending finds x amount of duplicates that are tag. Can't find those or where the tool store or tag them.
Please advice.
After searching on any change to mails i found out that in outlook 2016 you tool add a tag "Duplicate" to the header of the mail but it came to my attention that when you tag the dups you are not keeping the one the is a good mail.
So if I have to go and delete all dups i will loose all including the original.
Please advice how I can have only de dups and keep the original even though i will delete that one later for any particular reason
Messages: 232
Registration: 1/25/2013
Alex Brandt,
The utility mark duplicates with "Duplicate" category. It doesn't mark original message with the category. But it doesn't remove it also. You can use Categorize Outlook items utility to remove the category before the another search.
Messages: 3
Registration: 6/17/2017
Quote |
Outlook Freeware:
Alex Brandt,
The utility mark duplicates with "Duplicate" category. It doesn't mark original message with the category. But it doesn't remove it also. You can use Categorize Outlook items utility to remove the category before the another search. | Outlook Freeware,
Thank for your answer but how surely i will know that once I select all duplicate mail I am not deleting the original.
I have about 19k that 1500 are the good mail the rest are dups. so i can select all mails marked duplicate and delete them all without deleting one the first or original. then run the cleaner of the tag and ready for another run.
I run a test with some mail where both were tagged duplicate(assum ing there is and original) and to my surprise one was the original and the other the dup. Lucky me that I made a backup of the container.
Then I jump to run selecting all to delete them all tagged duplicate and after some seconds mails are coming back to the folder.
What under your knowledge is going on.
Will help you to know that I am using imap.?
Please advice or can this address to a remote access to my computer to see what is going on?
This is making me crazy and I need to clean this account and move forward cant go mail by mail deleting one by one.
Please give me a hand on this matter.
Messages: 232
Registration: 1/25/2013
You can clear the category before first run also.
You can delete duplicates (not permanently), look at them in deleted items folder and then try to find the same item in the original folders using Outlook search for example.
Messages: 3
Registration: 6/17/2017
Quote |
Outlook Freeware:
You can clear the category before first run also.
You can delete duplicates (not permanently), look at them in deleted items folder and then try to find the same item in the original folders using Outlook search for example. |
I run a test with some mail where both were tagged duplicate(assum ing there is and original) and to my surprise one was the original and the other the dup. Lucky me that I made a backup of the container.
Then I jump to run selecting all to delete them all tagged duplicate and after some seconds mails are coming back to the folder.
What under your knowledge is going on.
Will help you to know that I am using imap.?
I run the clear tool and still have the Duplicate this is turning to me a mess need help on this matter or someone to access remotely and see what is going on.
Please advice or can this address to a remote access to my computer to see what is going on?
This is making me crazy and I need to clean this account and move forward cant go mail by mail deleting one by one.
Please give me a hand on this matter.
How I Upload screens to show what is going on
Messages: 232
Registration: 1/25/2013
IMAP stores all messages on server and can re-download them. Probably the best way will be to create a new data file (PST), copy there all folders and then delete the OST file of IMAP mailbox. Outlook will re-create it after restart and re-download all messages from the server. Mailbox should become normal after that. But some messages could be only in the PST. You can remove duplicates in PSTa тв leave it as Archive.
Using the Advanced version of the utility you can run deduplicate utility across both stores and select IMAP store as High priority folder. Then it will mark/remove duplicates from PST and leave originals in the IMAP.
Messages: 1
Registration: 9/14/2018
Outlook Freeware,
Hi, I'm trying to deduplicate outlook messages for a friend after an accidental import duplicated everything in her inbox. However although there are clearly about 20,000 duplicated messages the Outlook Duplicate Message remover can't see them. The Duplicate Items report finds them, though.
The paid-for version can find them if the match criteria are less stringent.
Is there any way to dedupe her without paying for a one-off use of a tool?
Messages: 232
Registration: 1/25/2013
Mark Phillips,
Did you try to run Remove Duplicates Messages utility with and without 'Use custom fields to compare' option? If the Duplicate Items report finds them, the Remove utility should delete them with the same configuration.
Messages: 1
Registration: 1/27/2020
Outlook Freeware, Does Outlookfreeware contacts duplicate app work on a Mac
Messages: 232
Registration: 1/25/2013
celia Moore,
Unfortunately, not.
OutlookFreeware utilities are for PC with Windows only.
Messages: 1
Registration: 2/2/2020
Outlook Freeware, I used the free version of outlook removal tool and it found a few duplicates and removed them, but didn't move them to the 'Deleted items' folder. I thought this was supposed to happen, so you can recover it if necessary. Any thoughts?
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18 Reasons Why Outlook Duplicates Emails, Contacts, Tasks, and Calendar Entries Duplicate Outlook items can occur for a variety of reasons. Unnecessary copies of emails, appointments and meetings, contacts, tasks, notes, and journal entries can appear unexpectedly and interfere with your work. In this article, we have collected the most common causes of Outlook duplicates and suggested ways to deal with them.
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